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Mill Facilities
Stoltze employs 120 people at its 80-acre plant site located on the Burlington Northern-Santa Fe (BNSF) Half Moon rail siding. The plant site consists of administrative offices, log yard, random length sawmill, dry kilns and planing mill. There is also a 160,000 pound truck scale on site.
The sawmill runs two sides, two shifts a day and was renovated during the summer of 2000. New equipment installed included an optimized board edger and curve-sawing gang saw. Combining the new optimized equipment with our optimized trimmer system allows maximum recovery and quality from the logs harvested.
Four computerized dry kilns provide a continuous supply of dry lumber to the planer. The planer building with over 2 acres of inside storage is equipped with two planers, a continuous lumber tester (CLT) for MSR production, computerized grade reader, trimmer, tray stacker and inventory system.

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