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F.H. Stoltze came west along with the Great Northern Railroad, arriving in the Flathead Valley in the late 1880’s. In 1912, F.H. Stoltze Land & Lumber Company was established. Sawmill production began in May 1923 at the current Halfmoon site and has been in almost continuous operation since that time.

Today, Stoltze continues with its long-term business plan by slowly expanding our 39,367 acre tree farm, investing in improvements to our manufacturing facilities and expanding into renewable energy generation. Stoltze is one of the few remaining “fully integrated forest products companies” left in the northwest, meaning we own and manage timberland and also operate a sawmilling facility. This connection to the forest land base reinforces the concept of Healthy Forests, Healthy Families and Healthy Communities which we hold as a major element of our recipe for success.

We plan to be in business in the Flathead County for the long term, utilizing the renewable forest resources from Federal, State and Private lands. The forest industry serves as the resource management tool of professional forest managers. This effort maintains a healthy forest environment and provides output for a better human environment- food, fiber, shelter, jobs, tax base, community service and recreation opportunities as well as products.


Employees                                                                    124

Payroll (gross-including benefits)                 $ 9,784,405

Loggers/Contractors                                                      70

Supplies and Services                                      $ 7,845,473

Property Taxes                                                    $ 517,146

Contract Logging/Rd. Construction

               Trucking                                            $ 7,488,333

Private Log Purchases                                     $ 8,449,860

Total  Spending                                              $ 34,080,217

Spending Per Employee (194)                            $ 175,671


Health Care Spending                                      $ 1,682,616

Individuals Covered by Health Care Program          339


Lumber Production    (million board feet)    74,633 mbf


Method Shipment               Rail   7%      Truck         93%


2020 Source of Logs   

        USFS     35%          Mt. State     21%               

          BIA        00%         Private       44%                 


Primary Products -  Dry Planed Lumber

Residues - Chips, Sawdust, Bark, Shavings, Hog Fuel

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F.H. Stoltze Land & Lumber Co.

600 Halfmoon Road

P.O. Box 1429

Columbia Falls MT 59912


406-892-1612 (fax)

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